By Francesco Peroni


The hostel offers 7 beds in 2 rooms: 6 beds are place in bunk beds on the first floor and 1 bed is place on the ground floor, which should be used as a priority.

Pilgrims are required to respect other guests and use the facilities and services in accordance with the rules and common sense.

Smoking is prohibited inside the hostel.

It is forbidden to place backpacks on the beds; please use the designated shelves.

Do not eat in bedrooms.

Do not move beds or occupy more than one.

It is mandatory to leave your boots in the shoe rack on the ground floor and use them only when leaving the hostel (it is strictly prohibited to wear trekking boots inside the hostel).

It is mandatory to use your own sleeping bag to sleep, placing it on top of the mattress protector and pillowcase, provided in a special container above each bed.

Please turn off your phone ringer at night when in the dormitory and do not speak loudly on the phone.

Before departure, please leave the room, the bathroom and the kitchen (if used) clean and tidy. Used mattress covers and pillowcases should be placed in the laundry container in the bathroom. Air out the rooms and turn off the lights. Dispose of rubbish at the municipal collection points (please separate glass waste in the designated bins). Dispose of waste at the municipal collection points (please separate the glass into the appropriate containers).

The stay at the hostel is free. However, the use of the hostel by pilgrims has a cost for cleaning, bills (water, electricity and pellets), maintenance, mattress covers and pillowcase washing. A voluntary donation from each pilgrim is therefore welcome, based on your possibilities, in order to maintain the facility and continue hosting other pilgrims, who will have the same experience.

The stamp of the Pilgrim’s Credential is available, as a reminder of the passage.

Please write your thought in the Guestbook.

The Pro Ruscio Association is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

For emergencies, information or clarification, you can contact:
POLICE tel. 112 – 074370128
FIRE BRIGADE tel. 115 – 0743817333
PRO RUSCIO SECRETARY cell. 3358094665


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